Sunday, April 13, 2008

Two Great Runs: 8 Miles and 18 Miles!

I had two fantastic runs this week – I completed my mid-week 8 mile run in 1 hour and 14 minutes and 33 seconds – even while running into a person I went to high school with – Columbus can be a small world! This was the fastest 8 miles I’ve ever run and I was VERY excited about it. The weather was warm – probably about 65 degrees. I just felt incredibly strong throughout the run and just concentrated on pushing myself.

On Saturday, Micah and I started out on our 18 miler at 7 am – early, I know – but we have to get into a rhythm for the Marathon since is starts at 7 am. This means getting up early, eating something and going through the same routine that you’ll go through the morning of the Marathon. Our run was a scenic run that goes though some beautiful parks and a few quaint Columbus neighborhoods. This Saturday was cooler than Wednesday when I did my 8 mile run. But spring has FINALLY come to Columbus and the trees are blooming and the grass is finally green again.

When Micah and I hit the 4 mile mark, we were running just under 10 minute miles. I was pretty pumped about that – since that was quite an improvement over our past 4-mile mark on our last long run together. We were able to keep a consistent pace throughout the run and completed 18 miles in just 3 hours! I was so pumped! The other thing that was fantastic about our Saturday run was seeing the Half Marathon Runners going through Columbus. At the midway point on mile 17, we saw the Half Marathoners running around the Horseshoe (for those of you not familiar with Columbus that is the OSU Football Stadium) and I was able to get out a “GO HALF MARATHONERS” as we crossed paths. I don’t know who I surprised more, Micah or myself by the fact I was able to get that bellow out so late in our run. But just seeing the runners got me very excited about running the Marathon in a month.

Tonight I had dinner with my Aunt and Uncle who live in Dayton and my friend Lauren joined us. (And a big thanks to my Aunt and Uncle for their generous donation!) She is running the Cincinnati Marathon and I’m running half of it with her on May 4th. She has decided to encourage her friends and family to donate to Joliba Trust, too to support her in her Marathon running! I am so excited since that means more donations to Joliba Trust! So, check out the blog in the next few days for a blog from Lauren on how her training is going.

Oh, and an update on Eric, check out this comment on his 5 k training: Run Eric Run! And it looks like I might be joining him for his Father’s Day 5k!

And finally a big congratulations to Kamden and Phillip for running the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler in DC last weekend! They both had fantastic times – 1 hour 20 minutes and 1 hour 23 minutes respectively!

Please keep the comments and donations coming!

1 comment:

A DC Tri-ing Athlete said...

Outstanding. Those are both really solid efforts and you should be thrilled!